The design for SCG’s 2022 Annual Conference — "Narrative Power: Reframe Stories, Redefine Culture" — is made up of brand toolkit with various design materials and building blocks, allowing the client to adapt the identity across multiple settings and instances. This identity reflects the conference's mission to challenge dominant narratives and imagine new possibilities for systems change.
The brief emphasized wanting to celebrate diverse narratives around the US, hence why even in the initial design phase, I aimed to include people from different backgrounds with different life circumstances. What was important is to highlight the interactions between the individuals, and show the push and pull necessary to foster real progress, for everyone.
The logo developed for the event uses the quotation marks, a typographic way to express the stories that are told to create mutual understanding.
A few pages from the style guide I created for SoCal Grantmakers to be able to utilize the graphic identity of the event as they wish
As part of the campaign, I utilized vibrant illustrations of people made up of connective lines. This is to show how the narratives connected communities with one another. Along with that, a variety of punctuation marks added a sense of curiosity to the drawings, and also shifted focus not only on the narratives being told, but also what lies inbetween them, and how even those are a key part of the messages that were shared in the conference.
The project included creating a program book that detailed the schedule, talks, and speakers. I silhouetted speaker images, intertwining them with line elements to connect to the illustrated characters. We also featured the POC creatives hired by the client by turning their artwork into pull-out postcards for attendees to take home.
Cover of the program book
The pull-out postcards in action
All photos courtesy of Southern California Grantmakers