Mobility Experiences is a website which acts as a collection of interviews, research studies and surveys of thousands of Americans that identified the 28 life experiences which drive lifetime income. It looks into the Americans who have had their economic mobility stunted by wage inequalities as well as structural barriers, and those who could find their path out. This design of the webpage report I worked, which Camber Collective tasked us to create, on emphasizes the twists and turns of the paths taken by the surveyees who have shared their experiences and how they moved through their lives.
To underline the variety of roadmaps Americans go through through financial situations and hardships, I used a ribbon element that weaves throughout the modules of the website. These ribbons take turns, overlap the images and change in color, much like the pathways of the average person in the US today. Although problems exist within the system of the country, this graphic element gives a sense of hope in navigating the complexities of society.
Click here to visit the live website.
Some quotes were collected from those surveyed to give better insight into their experiences.
A carousel with the main 28 Mobility Experiences are provides a comprehensive overview of the research paper made by Camber Collective.